Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Life is good!♡

All of the hard work has paid off! This weekend is moving time. We were supposed to move this week but of course, things don't usually go according to plans! ;) I'm so excited to have our own place. It'll be so much fun to decorate & look at teal walls every day!♡
The boys have been there for me through most of it. They took a break over the weekend and went to WY. They needed it & this momma needed it. I'm not sure if you've tried to clean up a nasty disaster, paint & sand floors with 4 helpful boys but it doesn't go as smooth as you'd think!😂
So grateful for how much they do try to help their mom. Even if it's just the little things like putting a smile on my face. They're pretty awesome kids!♡

So, I am beyond happy. So blessed.
If I had to go through every day of my journey just to get where I'm at right now, I'd do it all again a thousand times. This all started over a sandwich ;) 
This man is so good to me. My cheeks still hurt and I swear I'll wake up with abs one of these mornings! Smiling & laughing is the best! Feels so good! 
 I can only hope that my family & Friends see how happy this girl is!!! I deserve it. He deserves it. I'm excited for you all to meet him one day! 💗