Sunday, January 29, 2017


This life. My Life. Our Adventure.
-I packed our whole house. Every room, every closet, every cupboard.. all the memories in that house are in our hearts & our belongings are now in my dad's garage.
-I doubted myself a million times. But I believed in myself a million more. I feel so accomplished. A single momma of 4 handsome boys just trying to give them the best life possible. It's going to be rocky for a bit, but with them by my side- I can do anything.
-the Goshen house wasn't ready to move in to yet.. so we unloaded the uhaul in my dad's garage. Hopefully sometime soon we can be living in Goshen.. that means, I get to load ALL of my belongings again. Then, unload them. I'm exhausted... mentally, physically, emotionally- the whole bit. There's multiple times a day where I just want to scream, cry, or run away- but then I just think about when my boys and I are finally living in our very own place together and I can look at those 4 sweet faces and say, "we did it!" I am so excited for our new chapter in life and all the adventures we will have!!!

♡I can do this. All of this. Every aspect of life. I've got this. ♡
-I'm just a simple girl with a huge heart. I am beyond ready to just be happy. I want to love & be loved. I am moving on w/ brandnew, fresh slates in my life & so far it's been amazing. Even though my life seems like a shitshow, I have enjoyed smiling til my cheeks hurt & laughing so hard my sides are sore. I deserve this. Damn it, I do! I've given my all & totally let go of myself for years & it feels so good to be ME again. 
I have had some amazing people that have been there for me. Some have been for years.. some for months.. or maybe just a couple weeks. You all know who you are! The encouraging comments, texts, messages, etc.. they're all so appreciated!
The laughter, tears, conversations and love- nothing beats it! My life is wonderful. I try to hold most of it in, but I'm going through a lot of shit right now.. not many ppl even know about all of it, & that's completely ok! I'm handling it all.. I'm pretending that I know what I'm doing & I am finally ENJOYING life & putting a smile on my face despite all I'm going through. We only get this life.. I will make the best of it. & I will be happy. I will love. I will be loved again. I'll be the best momma possible day after day. I can do this. I will NOT give up!!!


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