Saturday, March 18, 2017

Amazing people.♡

Jordan Elaine ♡
Have I been through much in life? I think so & I struggle.. some may think I haven't, others have been huge support in my life. They were there when I felt like I hit rock bottom & they've continued to help me find my pieces to mend myself again. 
I have also met multiple new friends & I'm so so thankful for them. 
One I have known of for awhile but never really met. I needed this person. The confidence boosts, our venting sessions & our random "keep grinding" messages to help each other through the day. I'm very lucky to have this one in my life. A really great friend.
I also met another one at work. A simple joke about my favorite sandwich turned into a great friendship. A true inspiration after all this person has been through yet continues to stay positive. Not only stay positive but encourage me to as well. Keeps me smiling & always has the right words to turn my messy scenarios into strength.  It's a crazy life when you meet someone & it feels like you've known them a lot longer than you really have. 

Ooh, my Tiffy.
This girl doesn't get the credit she deserves. She's my #1.
I honestly do not think I would've gotten out of the darkest place in my life if it wasn't for this amazing lady. Life has thrown so much at her & some how,  some way she throws it right back. She has worked her butt off for everything in life & provides everything her sweet kiddos need. She inspires me more than she thinks she does. I sure do love you tiffy poo.

P.s. I'm so so happy she found this man! They deserve each other. He's a great guy & she's an amazing lady. Just a quick shout out- I didn't have one thing under my tree this Christmas in Evanston. I was freaking out, stressed out & didn't know what I was going to do. These two drove up from roy & told me to keep the kids inside then to come out to Trevor's truck. They handed me wrapped presents from Santa.. My heart was so full. I will never ever forget that. I appreciate all they've done for my family. 
Aunt Cait. My bestie. 
My boys listen to her better than anyone. 
& they absolutely love her!
She's another gal that has been through so much in her life. I think of her as one of those that are tougher than nails. She doesn't put up with anyone's shit & I love that about her! She has helped me so much over the last 9 years & I honestly can't thank her enough! She falls for my awesome jelly bean game, cooks me dinner, floods my kitchen, never doubts my abilities & even tries to play cupid. Sure do love you & your family Caitlin!!!

^^^this is so me!!! Laughed so hard. 
100% how I feel when I wake up in the mornings!♡

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