Thursday, December 18, 2014

Echo & EKG

Mr. Kyle had an echo done on 12-12-14. After the echo was over Dr. Menon ordered an ekg. Kyle did good while they did both of them. Next time I'll be sure to take a bottle with me though to keep him calmer. It was so amazing to listen to his heart for awhile and be able to see it on the screen. He's our little miracle and I'm so proud of how strong his is.

We found out that Kyle's valves have restricted more since last month's echo. Which is to be expected from his heart condition. We first were told to expect surgery around April or May but now the cardiologist won't let him go past March.
Kyle's first ekg. I felt so bad for the little man when they took all those stickys off. He was not happy with that nurse at all! :( 

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