Thursday, December 25, 2014

Family pictures :)

We sure do have a beautiful family!!!
Dec. 2014
Derrick loves to give Kyle kisses. I love this picture. MKyle  boys are so great! 
^Daymon is almost 7! I can't believe it! He's such a handsome young man. His love for dinosaurs is amazing. He has studied them a ton and can tell you which ones are plant or meat eaters, How many plates/spikes they have on their backs, and which ones were toughest. He loves the Utahraptor.
Chucky is now 4! He's always been a strong little man. He faced a hard life in the first few weeks he was on this earth and he has showed great improvements all the time. 
He loves his dog snoopy, his dad is his ultimate best friend. Lego Duplo are the next best thing & he makes awesome things out of all his play dough! ♡
Derrick is my softie. Our bond is just amazing. I don't know if it's because he's my first baby that I co-slept with, breastfed the longest or if it's because he has the cutest 1year old personality ever. He's a wild child! But is just so dang adorable! He loves his momma, and gives me kisses on each cheek, forehead then my lips. His laugh is so contagious & We love to have laughing contests to see who can laugh the loudest. Bath time is one of his favorites!
---》Kyle Jack Leavitt 《---
Strength, courage, faith, hope, love..
This little man has taught me so much. He has given me hope when I thought things were worse than ever. Strength to roll with the punches. If he can fight such a big battle in a.little tiny body, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get him better. I have loved him since I first read the positive pregnancy test. Every ultrasound my heart would melt seeing him. He is such a huge blessing to our family! 

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