Thursday, December 25, 2014

I need to catch up!

Well there have been some sleepless nights around here. Apria  Healthcare came to pick up Kyle's oxygen and took his apnea monitor too.. The doctor didn't write for it to stay so they said that it had to go with the oxygen or insurance wouldn't cover it. So I have felt empty without it. I'm going to look into another monitor I can purchase.

^^Snoopy & Charles are best friends^^
These two are so cute together.
Kyle had to get his 2nd synigis shot on 12/16/14. I was happy to see that he's still gaining weight good! He was not happy about the scale.
If he thought the scale was bad, the shot was much worse. I always feel so dang bad. :( breaks my heart to hold him while they give it to him and watch him cry. 
As sad as it is, I know it's for the best and I'm very grateful he gets it. It will help him from getting RSV.
This is from booboo buddies. I was very excited when we got it in the mail. This will be something to keep forever. It will be his little buddy to take during surgeries, appointments, etc... 

This little monster keeps me on my toes! He is so much fun though! I can't ever get enough of that smile! I love to just laugh at him because he laughs back 10x louder. He makes every day better & has the cutest personality ever. He's a great big brother, too! We sure do love him! 

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